Saturday, September 4, 2010

Updates - I know they are late in coming but I've been traveling alot on business

I've been working on the plane off and on while traveling for work. I've gotten alot done and I'm almost ready to start putting skin on the fuselage frame work. I got the alodining done and also primed all the pieces. I started riveting all the pieces together and found a few problems but resolved those and now I'm at the point I'm almost ready to start putting the skin on. Big day coming soon. I made some changes on the tail wheel set at the rear bulkhead and discovered I was right the first time. So, I've ordered new parts for the F-611 and F-612 and will rebuild the rear landing gear attachment. The parts should be in next week, I'll get those built, alodined and primed ready to reinstall. Once complete I will be reviewing the plans to ensure I'm ready for skin installtion. Here are a few more pictures of the work I've done.


  1. do you need any specially license to have a runway/plane stuff at your house?
